Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Preparing for the BMAT - 822 Words

Preparing for the BMAT (biomedical admissions test) The biomedical admissions test was created to assist medical and veterinary schools in the admissions process. Some of the universities have much more applications than places and the majority of these applications are strong. The BMAT allows the universities to filter out the strongest candidates based on exam performance. The BMAT exam lasts for 2 hours and is split into 3 sections. The examination test date is 31st October 2008. This article will aim to provide you with some advice and give an overview to students who are planning on taking the BMAT exam. †¢ aptitude and skills (1 hour) †¢ scientific knowledge and application (30 minutes) †¢ writing task (30 minutes) The†¦show more content†¦Analyse all data given carefully not leaving anything out. The data analysis subset involves extracting certain points out of the data and using these to make suitable conclusions, to give the answer. Depending on the starting data you are provided with this could include using statistical methods, interpreting graphs, curve fitting or even eradicating unwanted information and prioritising said data. Scientific knowledge and application This section attempts to make students utilise their scientific knowledge to help them answer questions. Again this section is multiple choice, so make informed guesses when there is a need using the data given. This section also requires practice and revision of scientific principles in order to score high marks, so we advise you do some revision covering the basics of biology, chemistry and physics. Writing task The writing task is asking you to create an essay from a given question. Here are some general pointers to help you achieve a great score. †¢ Read: Read articles, newspapers, journals and book. This will help you to gain an understanding of how to put forward logical thought and will also help improve your English writing skills †¢ Partake in group discussions/debate forums: By

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

36 ! Fitness Marketing Plan - 2383 Words

36! Fitness Marketing Plan Keisha Dean Shorter University I. Executive Summary Company Description 36! Fitness was started in December 2012 by K. Renee’ Dean who saw a need for an environmentally conscious, fun place to work out. After searching her neighborhood to no avail, K. Renee’ decided to take matter into her own hands and open her own place. 36! Fitness is a unique, state of the art, planet friendly fitness studio located in Sandy Springs, GA specializing in helping people over 30 get and stay fit. We offer a holistic mind, body, spirit experience for our customers with minimal environmental impact. We assist our customers with weight loss, muscle gain, stress reduction, and overall health and wellness. Products †¦show more content†¦Some of our green initiatives include workout areas made from recycled rubber, like-new, refurbished gym equipment, bamboo floors, infrared saunas, low flow appliances, reusable water bottles, compact fluorescent lights, a green roof, as well as a green roof. II. Objectives 36! Fitness plans to drive our membership up. We are currently a 100 member studio. We would like to see that number grow by 50 percent over the next 12 months. 36! Fitness also plans to expand our green initiatives to the community by teaming up with local farmers to use their products to stock our smoothie bar with indigenous fruits and vegetables. We would also like to upgrade our cardio machines to include touch screen computers that use 200 watts of power while in full operation. That would be a savings of up to 48% of power as it compares to HDTV. Core Competencies 36! Fitness seeks to use its core competencies to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, in which competitors cannot provide the same value to consumers that our company does. Our fitness studio has established the following core competencies: providing a high-quality, branded service, creating brand awareness, developing a sense of community among customers who utilize our services, and building a solid reputation in the community. 36! Fitness intends to build on these competencies through marketing efforts that will help us meet our goals. III. Situation Analysis The marketing environment

Monday, December 9, 2019

Eve Of St. Anges Essay Example For Students

Eve Of St. Anges Essay Someone once said that true love is only an illusion and can never be achieved. This is evidently shown through many elements of the poem by John Keats, TheEve of St. Agnes. Much of this poem is about the imagination and how it canblind people and make them oblivious to the true events that are occurring. Wethe readers can see this very easily through the portrayal of one of the maincharacters Madeline. The second main character Porphyro tries to authenticateher quest for a dream experience however ends up taking advantage of her whileshe thinks she is still dreaming. The poem does endorse how the power ofMadelines visionary imagination can influence her and the others around her,but also that happenings outside of the dream can cause the person in the dreamto be taken advantage of with out the dreamers knowledge. The truth is thatPorphyro knows exactly what he is doing and instead of doing things in ahonorable way, he decides to proceed in a dishonorable way and totally violatesher visionary imagination. The night that is being spoken of in this poem is anight of dreams and imagination. It is supposed to be a mystical night in whichyoung women have dreams of their one true love. Madeline takes this to a totallydifferent level in that she totally succumbs to the mystical ability of thenight and totally loses her mind. In that she doesnt even know if she isstill dreaming or if she is wake. Some interpretations of the poem say that sheis wake and know what she is doing. However, I believe the contrary that shedoesnt know what she is doing. Hoodwinkd with faery fancy. (70) Mostof what she does is due to the mystical feeling the night causes. A mind canplay may tricks and the mind can make it so that it has no concept of time orwhether it is wake or still dreaming. One of the few times in the book that shesort of knows that she is wake is when Porphyro enter her room and tries to wakeher as gently as possible in that she never truly wakes up and remains in adream like state. He awakes her very softly, He playd an ancient ditty,long since mute, /In Provence calld ?La belle dame sansmercy.'(291-292) I find this to be quite odd because this poem is abouthoodwinking. Why would he do this to wake her sleeping? If you are hoodwinkingsomeone you are trying to dupe, trick or fool them and the only way thatPorphyro can do this is to keep her in a dream like state. This very softly andsweetly awakens her and now Her eyes were open, but she still beheld, nowwide awake, the vision of her sleep(298-299) This tells me that she is nowawake but in her subconscious she is still dreaming. She has no clue as to whatshe is doing at this point in time. She truly believes that she is still asleepand she is just dreaming. After he has done the deed and she is still sleepinghe awakes her and she tries to him about here dream. Upon hearing this Porphyrosays, This is no dream, my bride, my Madeline (326) in an attempt to wakeher up so she know what she is doing. I think that he tries to do this so thathe doesnt look like the bad guy, in that, the only way that he can get abeautiful bride is by hoodwinking her. Upon hearing this Madeline is verydistraught by this and she proceeds to say No Dream, alas! Alas! and woe ismine! / Porphyro will leave me here and fade to pine. (328-329) All thishas happened after he has already violated her dreams and has done things thatyoung gentlemen at that time were not supposed to do. As Jack Stillinger saidWe must leave or world behind, where stratagems like Porphyros are frownedon, sometimes in criminal courts, and enter an world where ?in sooth suchthings have been (P.75) All gentlemen were supposed to be honorable andwere supposed to address all aspects of their life in a very noble way. All thisevidently shows that a visionary imagination is so powerful that Madeline cannotcontrol it and Porphyro uses it to his advantage. It sure fooled Madeline intobelieving that she was still dreaming, and dreaming enough to not stop herselffrom running away this Porphyro in the end. However at the en d of the poemPorphyro never really wants Madeline to wake up. As Jack Stillinger saidMadeline never completely awakens from her fanciful dream; for she believesPorphyro when he tells her that the storm is ?an elfin-storm from faeryland (343) (P. 88-89) Prophyro would much rather Madeline live in a dreamstate then allow her to wake, to find out what he has done to get her to be hisbride. Thoughout the poem Porphyro tries to authenticate her dreaming experiencehowever in the process he totally violates her dreaming experience and he knowsexactly what he is doing. Angela whom he uses to get into her bedroom chamberalso seemed to succumb to the mystical power of the night. This cannot happenedbecause she doesnt believe in the mystical powers of the night. However whatdoes affect her is that Madeline believes in the night and is power and justthat belief in that power has influenced someone that doesnt believe in thenight, Angela. It doesnt help that the people who were supposed to watch outfor her and protect her didnt do their job and to me they seem senile, Angelaespecially. When Angela sees that Porphyro is there and has asked her to tellhim where Madeline is, she promptly replies, Get Hence! Get Hence! Flitlike a ghost away.(100-105) She basically tell him to leave right now becauseit is not right that he is there and he could get into big trouble if he isthere. Porphyro continues to stay there and talk to Angela. She eventually tellsPorphyro that Madeline is By the holy loom / Which none but secretsisterhood may see, / When they St. Agnes wool are weavingpiously.(115-117) This defies logic because why does Angela tell Porphyrowhere Madeline is when he is not even supposed to be there. This starts to showthe effects of how powerful ones visionary imagination, Madelines, can affecta non believer, Angela Upon hearing this Porphyro comes up to at least what hethinks is a brilliant plan. He tries to talk Angela to lead him to Madelineschamber to which he is not s upposed to go, so That he might see her beautyunespied, / and win perhaps that night a peerless bride, (166-167) A younggentleman should not be asking such a question. He is not acting noble. Angelaknows this but yet with very little convincing she decides to lead him toMadelines chamber and hide him in a closet. Jack Stillinger points out thatThen Angela asserts a kind of orthodox middle-class morality: ?Ah! Thoumust need the lady wed (179) (p. 75) This shows to me that she knows thatit is wrong to do so, and thinks that everyone needs a wife. Yet I think thatbecause of the night and its mystical powers is why she unknowingly succumbs tohis pressure with very little trouble on the part of Porphyro. Angela has fallenunder the spell of the mystical night and she doesnt even know what she isdoing herself. Once again this shows how powerful ones visionary imagination caneffect anothers. While Angela is busy moving Porphyro around the house she isvery frightened. She is very frightened about what might happen if she iscaught. I think that she doesnt stop due to the mystical power of the night. Genetics vursus Nurture Essay Angela acts Like ring-dove frayd and fled (198). Angela is actingcrazy and cannot stop, and she doesnt know what she is doing at all. Justlike Madeline in that Madeline, too, doesnt know what she is doing. ByPorphyro doing all his little deceptions, he is violating her visionaryimagination by just be even attempting to reach her. This is quite unacceptable. We can just see how Madelines belief in the night influences the decisions ofothers around her. The poem tries to endorse the world of visionary imaginationor dreaming, however Keats effectively voids this out as shown through many ofthe examples illustrated before. What does come across is that the dream worldcan be spoiled by one very determined, conniving man, who will stop at nothingto try and get what he wants. That is a sexual experience with that he wouldprobably nor normally have any chance at during normal times. So he has to trickher into doing something on a night to which she seem to have no control over,on one of the most mystical night of them all. The only reason that I can thinkof that she goes away with him at the end is not because she truly love him, butthat she is starting to realize what she did. Now the only honorable thing to dois go away with him so that she doesnt dishonor anyone. This is kind ofironic because it was the dishonor of Porphyro, which caused all this, and yetshe is doing the honorable thing. BibliographyPage Keats, John. The Eve of St. Agnes. The Norton Anthology of EnglishLiterature. Vol II, Ed. MH Abrams, et al. New York; Norton 2000. Pg 834-844. Stillinger, Jack. The Hoodwinking of Madeline: Skepticism in The Eve of St. Agnes. Twentieth Century Interpretations of the Eve of St. Agnes. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Pgs. 67-94Poetry

Sunday, December 1, 2019

IQ Testing Essays - Intelligence, Psychometrics,

IQ Testing Many times in our society intelligence is judged by test scores, careers, and success. Although these methods of measuring intelligence are not always accurate they are still used. IQ tests are given to people and the scores on these tests are supposed to reflect the level of intelligence a person has. What makes these tests so accurate? What about intelligent people who do not take tests well? They may become nervous and may not work well under pressure. I believe there are many forms of intelligence, some more important than others are. A person may be very smart but when it comes to subjects like math and science, but when it comes to English and writing they may not know much about it. Also, some people may not do very well in school but can fix almost anything that you put in front of them. Often times those who are smart in school subject lack the common sense needed to survive outside of work or school although that is not always the case. Others who may very intelligent when it comes to common sense and making the right decision on the street lack the wisdom need in school or work. This is a critical part of survival and I believe common sense is needed just as much as anything else. There are those people who are naturally smart, who grasp concepts well, and do not need to study much at all to do well. There are others who need to work hard to do well. They need to study and concepts do not come as easily to them as others. Are they not considered intelligent because of this? Also many people may be very intelligent yet they are either lazy or uninterested, therefore their natural mental ability never is shown. Many cultures have their own opinion of intelligence. If you are born and brought up as an Indian, to them intelligence comes with age and strength. If you can hunt well and survive on you own then you are considered intelligent, you are not given a written test and judged buy the scores. Many other cultures also have their own definition of intelligence too. Social status also has a very big impact on people perspective of your intelligence. Upper to middle class people not only have a better chance of getting a good education, but are thought of as more intelligent because they have money. Lower-middle to lower class people do not have all the opportunities that the others do and are also perceived as unintelligent because of their lack of money and those opportunities. Judging people on their level of intelligence, mental ability, and level of success through tests and careers gives you a very poor judge of character. I do not agree that intelligence can be measured at all. To me it is not only how smart you are, but also your attitude, who you are as a person, and the decisions you make in life. Your intelligence should not only be graded through a test but rather on how you live your life.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages

Same Sex Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation, succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to "contract" in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in statute and in society; and m... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Same Sex Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation, succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to "contract" in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in statute and in society; and m... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Legality of Same-Sex Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation, succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to "contract" in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely acc... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Each individual’s journey through life is unique. Some will make the journey alone, others in loving relationships-maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment. We need to consider our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love has many shapes, forms, and colors, yet many people have a hard time coming to that realization. The article, â€Å"State of the Union†, written by John Riley and appearing in Newsday on November 19, 2003, addresses the issues and decisions made about same-sex marriages. On November 18, 2003, Massachusetts’ highest court declared that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage, becoming the first nation to declare this. Many people, both in favor of and against this decision, were interviewed and spoke out as to why they feel how they feel. The real question this article poses is, should same-sex couples have the same rights to marriage as opposite-sex couples? There are many different viewpoints and theories related to this ethical dilemma, which include egoists, social contract theory (Thomas Hobbes), consequentialist and utilitarian beliefs, Immanuel Kant and deontological ethics, and virtue ethics. Each viewpoint and system of belief differs from another, yet they all make very strong, convincing points. Egoists only do what would be in their own best interest to do. They believe that by acting selfishly, one creates a better world. Based on these and many other beliefs of theirs, they would be absolutely one hundred percent against same-sex marriages. Same-sex marriages only really benefit those individuals getting married so there is no rational reasoning as to why egoists would support this decision and they don’t. It is no direct benefit to society or anybody else involved and therefore egoists would not be in favor of this. They are not gaining anything by this Massachusetts’ highest court decision. Also, this court aided gays and lesbians in man... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Should Homosexual couples be given the same marriage rights as Heterosexual couples ? Tami Frost Kaplan College The institution of marriage has had an elongated and blemished past. Not always called marriage this sacred state had slipped through history under many impersonations and categories. Monogamy - summarizes an union of male and female or todays same sex couples, so long as the partners are only sleeping with one another. Polygamy - is the practice of one man or woman with numerous spouses of the opposite sex. Often, the need for this type of arrangement came from times of war, affliction or other disaster. Polyamory - is a multiple-partnered marriage whereby the partners get together out of love. Common-Law - is the relationship of a couple without legal ceremony or license. The Puritans moved marriage to a point where love counted and delighting in the state of marriage became commonplace, yet extremely committed. The Victorian period dragged marriage into the closet. Sex was something embarrassing and improper with a quiet understanding that married couples engaged in marital relations, without pleasure and as duty and God dictated for the purpose of procreation. Until as recently as 20 years ago, in some areas of North America women still needed a husband’s signature to obtain a credit card or mortgage. Things have certainly changed.Virtually all scholars agree that we have witnessed a major transition in the meaning of marriage in the years from 1600 to 1995. In 1600, marriage for almost all Europeans and Europeans in America was primarily an economic arrangement negotiated among families in which family considerations of status, future economic stability, and prosperity were the most important considerations in selecting a potential spouse. By 1995, most Americans consider the primary purpose of marriage to be a commitment to emotional and psychological suppor... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Abstract Same-sex marriages: A Multivariate Study The recent upsurge in same-sex marriages has been linked to society’s assessment in relation to society’s normative level. Evaluating the variables of the laws that prohibit same-sex marriages from occurring provides information to help society change its perception of same-sex marriages. The study of same-sex marriage helps explore how gay couples are perceived in society. The results support the conclusion that the special laws that concern same-sex couples are not legal. The current acceptance of an idea of gay couples is perceived positively as a regular couple would be perceived. The frustration associated with sex-same marriage that yields little hope of achieving the â€Å"ideal† may provide a key in understanding how same-sex are formed in society was associated with negative image in this study. Negativity was associated with dissenting opinions of gay couples. Negative societal reaction, allied with disapproving attitudes toward gay couples. This status is associated with an array of negative charasterics, not least of which is self-contempt. Table of Contents Dedication 1 Abstract 2 Chapter 1: An Introduction to Cohabiting Gay Couples 3 Chapter 2: The Application of Society’s Perception of Gays 6 Chapter 3: The Society’s Perception of Cohabitating Couples 14 References 15 Chapter 1: An Introduction to Cohabitating Gays Couples In the year of 1995, there were over 1.5 million gay or lesbians living together. The r... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Same sex marriages The debate over gay marriage is heating up, with San Francisco’s mayor Gavin Newsom decision permitting same sex marriages in a Francisco and the Massachusetts court decision in favor of gay marriage. There can definitely be seen a trend toward the legalization of same sex marriage but there are still hurdles that have to be passed which are guarded by the conservative right. Opponents of gay marriage are giving ridiculous arguments against same sex marriages while avoiding the real reasons behind their refusal which is prejudice, fear, religion, and homophobia. Looking at the struggles the gay community is having trying to be accepted into society as equals is compelling, ever since the early seventies gays have been trying to receive, among other rights, the right to marriage and its benefits and while all other civil right are protected by the 14th amendment somehow the right to marriage has been separated from all the other rights. The arguments against same sex marriage are weak at best, and they do not justify a discrimination against homosexuals. People, weather gay or not, should have the same rights in all aspects of life. The main argument for same sex marriage is that it is a civil right issue and just as miscegenation laws were voted out so does any law that produce separate system of benefits for people according to their sexual preferences. This should be abolished as it discriminates against the minority and is unconstitutional. Arguing that this right is not being infringed upon, because gays can choose not to be gay and to marry a person of the opposite sex at any time is ridiculous. There are various faults in this argument, for start it is based on the idea that homosexuality is fixable and that gays choose to be gay. The fact is that most studies have proven otherwise, none of the so called methods of curing homosexuality has been proven to work. Most experts agree that weather ... Free Essays on Same Sex Marriages Same Sex Marriage â€Å"I do,† these words change people’s lives forever. Whether this phrase is coming from a heterosexual couple or a same-sex couple, it should not be an issue. However, in today’s society this matter has become a reality. It is a constant battle for homosexuals to live with the limitations society imposes on them, such as the ability to marry. The homosexual community faces this problem of discrimination everyday, in which it is illegal for them to live a life of legal monogamy much like heterosexual couples. Same-sex marriages deserve to be legalized in this country. People need to face reality and what the future holds. Society also needs to start worrying about more important issues such as child abuse, terrorism, and sexual abuse, rather than two men â€Å"tying the knot† or two women devoting the rest of their lives to each other. Love is a human right and it should not be taken away from anyone, whether they are gay or straight. Homosexual c ouples should be entitled to the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples. If there is such a thing called separation between church and state, why does it not apply to this concern? The Christian religion and numerous other religions believe homosexuality is a mortal sin. However, if the leaders of these religions would research their material better, they would find Jesus was never given credit for any statement regarding homosexuality. The only piece mentions of homosexuality, the Christian Bible found in the Book of Leviticus. Leviticus says that, â€Å"No man should lay with a man as he lies with woman†, which many scholars now believe was referring to gay prostitutes and not gay persons in general. (King James, Chapter 17). The correlation between the laws of our government and the beliefs of some religions intertwine, which is unconstitutional. If we live in America, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, and the land where the governm...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Homemade Stink Bomb Recipe and Science

Homemade Stink Bomb Recipe and Science Make your own homemade stink bombs using this easy stink bomb recipe. The stink bombs are as stinky as those youd get at the store and can be made with common household ingredients. Homemade Stink Bomb Ingredients You only need three materials for this project. The stink comes from the reaction between the chemicals in the matches and the ammonia. While any container that can be sealed will work, a plastic bottle is recommended because it wont break. However, another easy option is to use a plastic zip-top baggie. Book of matches (20 matches)Household ammoniaEmpty 20-ounce plastic bottle with cap Make the Stink Bomb Use scissors or a knife to carefully cut the heads off of a book of matches. Dont cut yourself.Place the match heads inside the empty 20-oz bottle. Add about 2 tablespoons of household ammonia.Seal the bottle and swirl the contents around.Wait 3-4 days before uncapping the bottle. After this time your stink bomb will be ready to be opened.Uncap the bottle when youre ready to release the stink. Stink Bomb Facts and Safety This stink bomb forms ammonium sulfide,(NH4)2S, which is the same chemical used in commercial prank or trick stink bombs. The ammonium sulfide is produced as a result of a reaction between hydrogen sulfide and ammonia: H2S 2 NH3 → (NH4)2S The vapor is flammable and associated with hydrogen sulfide gas (rotten egg smell that is toxic in high concentrations), so only make/use the stink bomb in a well-ventilated area, away from heat and flames. Adult supervision is recommended. More Stink Bomb Recipes Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Write 1000 word professional speech on (Saddam Hussain last minute Essay

Write 1000 word professional speech on (Saddam Hussain last minute speech to his people before executed, regretting what bad he did to them ,Kuwait, Iran and - Essay Example These assumptions seem more real. The language is kept simple. It is assumed that he speaks in Arabic, as he speaks to his countrymen. For our understanding, we may assume that it has been translated into English subsequently. The scenario is imaginary, and Saddam is shown as repenting for many of the atrocities that he has committed. An attempt is made to keep things realistic. So although he asks forgiveness from his countrymen, he is critical of the US and Western leaders, though not of Western people. Faced by death, even hardened people are known to relent. So Hussein's volte face under the circumstances need not be considered unusual. Although the speech itself is 'imaginary', and highly unlikely, it retains an aura of probability by referring to actual events in his life. I speak to you here, in the final hours of my life. I have been allowed to leave behind this message for you, which I believe that my brothers, Faisal and Hassan here, will safely deliver to you. I am not afraid. I am glad be able to leave now, as I know I leave because it is the will of Allah. I forgive all those who have harmed me; I know I have harmed many too. I hope you will forgive me for that. I have made several mistakes in my life, and if I had a chance to live it over again, I would not do the same. I now understand that violence does not lead anywhere. ... united against the American initial insidious attempts, and later on, more blatant ones to exploit us, to siphon away our wealth in the form of oil, we would not be where we are today. I regret that the Ba'athist Party murdered King Feisal in the way it did. Or that I helped out the CIA in the plot to murder Abdul Karim, the Prime Minister. We could have settled our internal struggles in a cordial manner. This was like inviting a tiger to enter our home to settle disputes between brother and brother. I was too involved in public activities, and did not give enough attention to my family. I accept full responsibility for the way my sons, Uday and Qusay ran wild, and terrorized all of you. I am also sorry that my sons-in-law, Hussain and Saddam Kamel met their death at my hands. I destroyed them, and my daughters' lives. I should have settled differences with the Ayatollah in Iran firmly but tactfully. Our countries have spent years in warfare, wasting our resources, and killing our young men, and even civilians. I have wronged my fellow men by using chemical weapons against them. I beg of Allah to forgive me-these deeds of mine. Allah is merciful! So many of my Kurd brethren have been killed; so many of my Kurd sisters are widowed because of me; so many have been orphaned at my behest. Please forgive me for this. The long war with Kuwait could have been avoided. Yes, they did not help us when we asked for help. But our need for help itself arose only because Ayatollah Khomeini and I had spent fruitless years in warfare, destroying our countries economically. I believe today that people of different faiths can and must live peacefully together. For this, we need unity among Muslim brethren. To start this, first let us have peace between the Shias and us. You are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Asset Management Discussion Post 8 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Asset Management Discussion Post 8 - Coursework Example home insurance and auto insurance liability coverage, for example, against additional liability coverage of auto, homeowners as well as boat insurance policies (Fox Business, 2013). It is also crucial as it provides coverage for claims that exclude other liability policies such as false arrest, rental unit’s liability, slander and libel liabilities. The insurance protection has been designed to kick on in cases where the liability of the other policies is exhausted (Mathias, Shugrue, Marrinson & Struck 2006). Individuals should not consider their net worth or other auto and homeowners insurances that they may have to cover some of the situations. Rather, Umbrella insurance is crucial as it insurer’s them beyond and above the other policies limits and will cover against situations that are never covered in other types of policies (Daily Finance, 2013). According to Breuer (2005), most of the umbrella insurances are associated with car accidents but also offer protection against home accidents. An example is when an individual falls down the stairs and sues you for poor construction or when the balcony collapses during a house party causing injury. Individuals will opt for umbrella insurances as a result of such instances or because they have a pool or property that may cause harm to someone and fear the consequences that will result from the harm or

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social Injustices Essay Example for Free

Social Injustices Essay â€Å"It is obvious today that America has a defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked as â€Å"insufficient funds. † But we refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity in this nation. So we have come to cash this check – a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. – Martin Luther King Jr. In the novel Warriors Don’t Cry and the film Remember the Titans the translation of power from whites to African Americans is portrayed very clearly reflecting the time period of the late 1950’s to the early 1960’s. First, in the novel Warriors Don’t Cry, when the Little Rock Nine integrated Central High there was a mass number of white students that wanted to execute them. President Dwight D. Eisenhower tried putting a stop to this by bringing in the 101st Airborne to protect the nine students. However, his solution did not go to its full extent, Governor Faubus refused this and started taking the soldiers out of the school and replacing them with the Arkansas National Guard. When Governor Faubus did this it aroused many problems such as: the nine students were not safe at all and also when an attacker came on to one of the nine the soldiers just stood there and watched. Also there was a white boy named Link in the novel that helped Melba out. One of the things he did was on a school night he called her warning her not to sit in her assigned seat the next day because the segregationist planned something very sinister. So when she entered that class the next day she did not sit in her seat because there was peanut butter and glass in her assigned seat. Next, in the film Remember the Titans Coach Yoast had a chance to be in the hall of fame only if he lost the next football game on purpose. When the Titans came out and smashed the team in that game Coach Yoast was told that he was out of the running. So then the next day when Yoast and Coach Boone were talking, Coach Boone told him that he was a hall of famer in his books. Also when Julius was waiting outside of Gerry’s house a cop pulled up next to him and told him that he did very well in the game on the previous night. My favorite part in the film is a great example of shifting of power. Was when all the football players were not getting along at camp and Gerry and Julius bonded after a play by saying â€Å"Left side, Strong side. † This was a turning point in the movie because it showed the team that it was okay to trust a person of another color, they were a team. Another example was on the first day of school Gerry introduces his girlfriend Emma to Julius, and when Julius sticks out his hand to shake hers and she walks away in anger. However later in the season Emma comes down on the football field during a game and shakes Julius’ hand. All in all, even though today we do not have all these problems we still have them in our society but if these things would not have happened we would not be where we are today. In the book Warriors Don’t Cry and the movie Remember the Titans there are many different times when there is a shift of power such as when Julius and Gerry become best friends and when the president assigns troops to protect nine black students.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Endless Witch Trials: Salem, Massachusetts, McCarthy Hearings, and the KKK :: essays research papers

What is the difference between witches in today’s society and witches in the past? Why were people accused of being witches? What were the punishments people got when they were accused of being a witch and found guilty? How is the witch trials repeated in history?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone talks about witches what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most people think of witches from movies such as the witch in the â€Å"Wizard of Oz† or in â€Å"Snow White and the Sevens Dwarfs†. These two witches are looked at as old, ugly and dressed in black from head to toe. People also think of witches in today’s society riding on brooms and chanting evil curses on their enemies. In the past witches could be anyone from the family doctor to the next door neighbor. The word witch comes from the old English word Wicca which means male witch. Witch also means to cast a spell on others. No matter how a witch is looked at, it’s all about mystery and magic. In Massachusetts there are two Salem’s, Salem town and Salem village. The villager wanted to be separated from the town. The accusing began in the village at the Parris’s home because of Reverend Parris wanting to accuse people. Then the Parris’s allies the Putnam’s started to get accused of witchcraft. In Salem people were accused to be witches because they were different or an outcast in the community. Tituba, who was a slave in the Parris household, was an easy person to accuse of practicing witch craft because she was black, mysterious and had a different religion and traditions. If people didn’t attend church they would also be accused of being a witch. Sarah Good was a beggar who everyone thought was mean spirited and always grumbling things to people even if they did give her money or food. She also smoked a pipe, which also gave people a reason to say she was performing witch craft. Sarah Osborne was another person accused of witchery becaus e she married her servant. Martha Corey, a well known church woman was accused because she was to inherit land from her husband who past way. Other people wanted to take that land from her, so they put a false accession on her. Other people in the village were accused because people didn’t like them or they weren’t in good social standings.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ketchup campaign seeks to expand ketchup

The message ‘ketchup zaroori' is aimed at communicating the same. We have not Just said ‘ketchup zaroorl', we have said ‘National Ketchup zaroorl' hence our campaign Is not promoting the category but the National Ketchup brand specifically. † On promoting the 100g sachet to end consumers: â€Å"We have had the 100g sachet for a long time but have never promoted it before. Our sachet SKUs (log and 100g) are generally used and distributed by hotels, estaurants and fast food chains.However we want to encourage impulse buying for this SKU and thus promoted it to the general consumer. Showing this SKU in the lunch boxes of kids is based on the insights we gathered from a LJ&A study we conducted across Pakistan whereby we learned that mothers often put these sachets in their kids' lunch boxes. † On out of home and inside home ketchup consumption habits: â€Å"The sachet SKUs are generally consumed out of home as they are easy to carry on the go. The bottle a nd pouch are consumed inside the home and often in arty and dinner settings. A word from the agency – Umair Shams, Account Manager, IAL Saatchi ; Saatchi On changing consumer behaviour for ketchup: â€Å"There Is a simple consumer truth In this category: Pakistanis are obsessed with condiments. However, tnere Is a speclTlc conolmenvsauce tnat goes wltn eacn T example imli chutney is consumed with dahl baray, zeera raita with pulao etc. We wanted the Pakistani consumer to make an exception when it comes to National Ketchup and pour it on anything and everything.Therefore, National Ketchup being the market leader has attempted to expand the usage and frequency of ketchup by showing a variety of snacks and foods that ketchup can be consumed with. The strategy was to show that ketchup is one versatile condiment, and when it's National Ketchup, there really are no rules. † On the campaign Jingle: â€Å"The Jingle is composed and sung by Shula Hyder from Speed of Sound. Hyd er has developed great music for National Foods over the years which includes AaJ Yeh Kounsa Mehmaan Aaya and Rung Bharti Jao. â€Å"

Saturday, November 9, 2019

M&A in India in Past Few Years Essay

Abstract The process of mergers and acquisitions has gained substantial importance in today’s corporate world. This process is extensively used for restructuring the business organizations. In India, the concept of mergers and acquisitions was initiated by the government bodies. Some well known financial organizations also took the necessary initiatives to restructure the corporate sector of India by adopting the mergers and acquisitions policies. The Indian economic reform since 1991 has opened up a whole lot of challenges both in the domestic and international spheres. The increased competition in the global market has prompted the Indian companies to go for mergers and acquisitions as an important strategic choice. The trends of mergers and acquisitions in India have changed over the years. The immediate effects of the mergers and acquisitions have also been diverse across the various sectors of the Indian economy. Till recent past, the incidence of Indian entrepreneurs acquiring foreign enterprises was not so common. The situation has undergone a sea change in the last couple of years. Acquisition of foreign companies by the Indian businesses has been the latest trend in the Indian corporate sector. The Indian IT and ITES sectors have already proved their potential in the global market. The other Indian sectors are also following the same trend. The increased participation of the Indian companies in the global corporate sector has further facilitated the merger and acquisition activities in India. The various factors that played their parts in facilitating the mergers and acquisitions in India are favorable government policies, buoyancy in economy, additional liquidity in the corporate sector, and dynamic attitudes of the Indian entrepreneurs are the key factors behind the changing trends of mergers and acquisitions in India. Even though mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been an important element of corporate strategy all over the globe for several decades, research on M&As has not been able to provide conclusive evidence on whether they enhance efficiency or destroy wealth. There is thus an ongoing global debate on the effects of M&As on firms. This article seeks to explore the trends and progress in M&As India. Electronic copy available at: MERGER & ACQUISITION IN INDIA: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY The phrase mergers and acquisitions (abbreviated M&A) refers to the aspect of corporate strategy, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling and combining of different companies that can aid, finance, or help a growing company in a given industry grow rapidly without having to create another business entity. In business or economics a merger is a combination of two companies into one larger company. Such actions are commonly voluntary and involve stock swap or cash payment to the target. Stock swap is often used as it allows the shareholders of the two companies to share the risk involved in the deal. A merger can resemble a takeover but result in a new company name (often combining the names of the original companies) and in new branding; in some cases, terming the combination a â€Å"merger† rather than an acquisition is done purely for political or marketing reasons. Mergers may be broadly classified in (i) Horizontal mergers: A situation when two or more merging companies manufacture similar product in the same industry. (ii) Vertical mergers: A situation when two or more merging companies work at different stages of manufacture of a same product. (iii) Conglomerate mergers: A situation when two or more merging companies operate in different industries. The word acquisition, also known as a takeover or a buyout, is the buying of one company (the ‘target’) by another. An acquisition may be friendly or hostile. In the former case, the companies cooperate in negotiations; in the latter case, the takeover target is unwilling to be bought or the target’s board has no prior knowledge of the offer. Acquisition usually refers to a purchase of a smaller firm by a larger one. Sometimes, however, a smaller firm will acquire management control of a larger or longer established company and keep its name for the combined entity. This is known as a reverse takeover. Another type of acquisition is reverse merger, a deal that enables a private company to get publicly listed in a short time period. A reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly listed shell company, usually one with no business and limited assets. Electronic copy available at: Reasons for Merger and Acquisition †¢ Operating synergies: The uniting of two firms improve productivity or cut costs so that the unlevered cash flows of the combined firm exceed the combined unlevered cash flows of the individual firm †¢ A vertical merger between a supplier and a customer, eliminates various coordination and bargaining problems †¢ A horizontal merger between competitors, produces a less competitive product market and cost savings from combining R&D facilities and sales forces †¢ Financial synergies: Information and incentive problems may cause cashstarved firms to pass up positive NPV projects, but cash-rich firms to overinvest in negative NPV projects †¢ Conglomerates can use internal capital markets to transfer funds from negative NPV projects to positive NPV projects †¢ †¢ Enhance the flexibility of the organization Reduces bankruptcy risk Objectives In this article an attempt has been made (i) To examine the presence of trends and progress of M&As in Indian corporation. (ii) To analyze year-wise and industry-wise variance in number and amount of M&A deals. Hypotheses To cover the above objectives following hypotheses have been formulated: 1. There is no significant difference in number and amount of M&A deals in between years and between industries. 2. There is no significant difference between M&A progress in manufacturing and service sector Industry-wise Trends of M&As The industry-wise trends in number and amount of M&A deals between 2000 and 2007 are presented in the Table 1 and Table 2 and the industry-wise trends and progress of M&As have been analysed on this basis Food and Beverages: India is the world’s second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The Indian food market is estimated at over US$ 182 billion, and accounts for about two thirds of the total Indian retail market. According to industry experts, the market for carbonated drinks in India is worth US$ 1.5 billion while the juice and juice-based drinks market accounts for US$ 0.25 billion. Growing at a rate of 25 per cent, the fruitdrinks category is one of the fastest growing in the beverages market. The Indian food processing industry plays a significant role in diversifaction of agriculture products, generates employment, enhances income of farmers and creates a surplus for export of agro-foods. The important reason of the M&A activity initiated in this industry are deregulation, restructuring disinvestment, restructuring by parent companies and presence of foreign players. Textiles Industry: Until the economic liberalization of Indian economy, the India Textile Industry was predominantly unorganized industry. The opening up of Indian economy post 1990s led to a stupendous growth of this industry. India Textile Industry is one of the largest textile industries in the world. Today, Indian economy is largely dependent on textile manufacturing and exports. India earns around 27% of the foreign exchange from exports of textiles. Further, India Textile Industry contributes about 14% of the total industrial production of India. Furthermore, its contribution to the gross domestic product of India is around 3% only. Textile Industry involves around 35 million workers directly and it accounts for 21% of the total employment generated in the economy. However the important reasons for the M&As in these sectors are: growth of power looms and handlooms sector at the cost of mill sector which has ultimately resulted in making them sick and unviable. This has led to an increase in the closure of mills; in addition, continued and persistent use of old plant and machinery has led to low profitability in the mill sector and thereby forcing some of mills to closedowns. Chemicals, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: Under this category companies operating in the industrial groups of chemicals, drugs, pharmaceutical, cosmetics petrochemicals and rubbers have been taken into account for analyzing the trend and progress. The drug & pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country’s demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large Pharmaceuticals manufacturers and suppliers and about 8000 Small Scale Pharmaceutical & Drug Units which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units). These bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals manufacturers produce the complete range of pharmaceutical formulations i.e. medicines ready for consumption by patients and about 350 bulk drugs i.e. chemicals having therapeutic value and used for production of pharmaceutical formulations. Owing to a significant increase in Pharmaceuticals exports, India’s USD 3.1 billion pharmaceutical industries are growing at the rate of 14 percent per year. It is one of the largest and most advanced among the developing countries. Even the number of pharmaceuticals exporters, manufacturers and suppliers is increasing tremendously, the factors that contributed to increase in M&A activity in these sectors are: Introduction of the process Patent Act in 1970, which required Indian companies to recognize international process patents. This has given an opportunity for the Indian companies to grow. This growth is associated with M&As and the emergence of WTO has brought about fundamental changes in the pharmaceutical industry. Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) of WTO require all Indian companies to comply with international patents. This has mainly happened in the form of M&As. Non–metallic Mineral Products: In this sector, cement and ceramics manufacturers are the primary players. The factors responsible for M&As are: before 1999 cement industry faced many problems like liquidity crisis, inadequate expenditure on infrastructure and costs of inputs. South-east Asian crisis brought narrowed profitability resulting to the bigger players withstanding the pressure of lower profitability and smaller and marginal players closing down or merging with big players and trying to appear favorable for a takeover. National Quadrilateral Road Project and State Government Policies to construct the irrigation projects could be other factors responsible for this boom. Basic Metal, Alloy and Steel: This is one of the oldest and traditional industry sectors in India. Companies operating in metals, alloy, steel and related concerns are grouped under this head. The factors contributing to M&As in this sector are: Slowdown of the economy during the year 1996-97, the capital markets, remaining depressed for the past couple of years, drying up sources of investment funds for industry, small and medium corporate finding it difficult to access institutional funds and export growth subjected to competitive pressure from imports. Information Technology and Telecom: Companies operating in the IT, Software, telecom and convergence sector are clubbed in industry, the central government has formed an independent department of information technology. Since the removal of restrictions on foreign capital investment and industrial de-licensing, India’s Telecom industry has shown large growth The Important factors for increasing M&As in this sector are: Consistent efforts were made by the department of telecom and its constituent organizations for upgrading and expanding the telecom networks and services and the Initiation of internet and web based developments and introduction of cell phone in India;. Automobiles and Automobile Ancillaries: Companies operating in automobile sector, locomotives, transport and spares have been included under this head. The Indian transport industry has been gradually playing a catalytic role for producing a wide variety of vehicles, passenger cars. Important factors responsible for an increase in M&As in this sector are: Globilalization is pushing global auto majors to consolidate, to upgrade technology, enlarge product range, access new markets and to cut costs. Competitive pressure and presence of global players have resulted in a number of M&As in this sector. Energy, Power, Gas and Oil: Companies operating in the field of energy, power, gas and oil are included in this group. Important factors responsible for an increase in M&As in this sector are, low rate of growth in power generation depressed the growth rate of industrial production and has necessitated immediate attention of big companies like Reliance Industries and due to unavailability of power and frequent disruptions have given an impetus to M&As in this sector..

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Stone Angel

The Stone Angel As I began reading The Stone Angel I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy the novel just because it is not really the type of book I would read. But I have found something fascinating about the life of Hagar Shipley, about a ninety year old woman who is looking back over her life near the end of it. Hagar seems very set in her ways and is not about to change her mind when her son Marvin and his wife Doris attempt to put her in a nursing home, she refuses to go and runs away. She is angered that they want her to leave her house and her things just so they can sell them, or so she believes. Doris and Marvin tell her about things she does that she just cannot remember doing so she thinks that they think she is senile, which is funny because she cannot remember the little things but she can relive her past through her memory and tell how her life was. The book takes you from present to past in a second and is well written to do so, it does not confuse you or really leave you lost in the middle of something because it picks right up in the present where you left off. You start to wonder if all older women think like Hagar and worry about the same things and have the same attitudes. Although Hagar does not seem like a very pleasant woman to live although as the reader you can see where she is coming from whereas the people who actually live with her probably cannot see her point of view. A lot of things like the choices Hagar made while she was young do not really make sense but you know she did them for her own reasons, like marrying Bram Shipley, for the life of me I cannot understand how she could marry that man but she did and it cost her the price of her Father. Since Hagar married Bram she never spoke to her Father and he never saw her again or his two grandsons, which was a shame. Hagar always thought her Father would have adored John, her second born. This book will take you on a journey through the life... Free Essays on The Stone Angel Free Essays on The Stone Angel The Stone Angel As I began reading The Stone Angel I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy the novel just because it is not really the type of book I would read. But I have found something fascinating about the life of Hagar Shipley, about a ninety year old woman who is looking back over her life near the end of it. Hagar seems very set in her ways and is not about to change her mind when her son Marvin and his wife Doris attempt to put her in a nursing home, she refuses to go and runs away. She is angered that they want her to leave her house and her things just so they can sell them, or so she believes. Doris and Marvin tell her about things she does that she just cannot remember doing so she thinks that they think she is senile, which is funny because she cannot remember the little things but she can relive her past through her memory and tell how her life was. The book takes you from present to past in a second and is well written to do so, it does not confuse you or really leave you lost in the middle of something because it picks right up in the present where you left off. You start to wonder if all older women think like Hagar and worry about the same things and have the same attitudes. Although Hagar does not seem like a very pleasant woman to live although as the reader you can see where she is coming from whereas the people who actually live with her probably cannot see her point of view. A lot of things like the choices Hagar made while she was young do not really make sense but you know she did them for her own reasons, like marrying Bram Shipley, for the life of me I cannot understand how she could marry that man but she did and it cost her the price of her Father. Since Hagar married Bram she never spoke to her Father and he never saw her again or his two grandsons, which was a shame. Hagar always thought her Father would have adored John, her second born. This book will take you on a journey through the life...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How exercise can boost your performance at work

How exercise can boost your performance at work We’re all familiar with the obvious benefits of exercise- regular physical activity can keep us looking and feeling fit and healthy, increase our energy levels and confidence, and help us maintain high levels of self-esteem. Staying active can also help us fight off a wealth of potentially life-threatening illnesses, including strokes, diabetes, and heart disease. What’s more, conquering the often overwhelming â€Å"exercise obstacle† and overcoming excuses, apathy, and laziness can remind us that we’re capable of bravely facing any challenge that life throws our way. In contrast, avoiding exercise and all forms of physical activity like the plague can have the reverse effect. Embracing laziness and inactivity can leave us feeling unhealthy and unfit, send our confidence and energy levels plummeting to the basement, and eat away at our self-esteem. Letting the â€Å"exercise obstacle† win the day will surely not inspire and motivate you to set and g o after major life goals.It may seem clear by now that exercising on a regular basis is in your best interest. However, if you’re still not sold, perhaps this will help seal the deal- not only does exercise help fuel and maintain a healthy body, it can actually improve your ability to think and retain information. It’s true- your mind and body are interconnected in amazing ways, and nurturing one will benefit the other.According to a recent article in The New York Times, â€Å"many scientists suspect that exercise alters the biology of the brain in ways that make it more malleable and receptive to new information, a process that scientists refer to as plasticity,† and that â€Å"†¦many past studies have shown that exercise prompts the release of multiple neurochemicals in the brain that increase the number of new brain cells and the connections between neurons†¦these effects improve the brain’s plasticity and augment the ability to learn.†What exercise doesAlthough research regarding how exercise and brainpower work together is continual and ongoing, recent studies have shown the following exciting cognitive benefits.Boosts brainpower: If you’re looking to take your brain’s ability to the next level, you can’t do much better than regular exercise. Studies have shown that exercise can actually increase the volume of key areas in your brain- how’s that for a real boost?Enhances thinking ability: Regular workouts will help kick away the dreaded â€Å"brain fog† that keeps you from thinking clearly and keep your mind and thoughts razor sharp all day long.Helps you process and remember new information more effectively: If you’re trying to acquire a new skill or task, like learning a new language or tackling a new job responsibility, combining it with regular exercise can be an unbeatable combo. New research suggests that physical activity can increase the size of the medial tempo ral and prefrontal cortex of your brain, key areas that regulate and control thinking and memory- so you’ll be able to master that new skill faster than ever before.Improves ability on cognitive tasks: Do you have an important test for work or school coming up? Or maybe you just want to perform better on puzzles and board games? Whatever your mental goals are, you better believe that exercise will help you succeed on all sorts of cognitive tasks that test your intelligence and brainpower.Keeps away the negatives: Yes, it’s true- regular exercise will help keep your mood positive and upbeat, help you achieve more restful sleep at night, and help reduce anxiety and stress- all things that can help your brain work at its absolute best.When, what, and how much?So†¦now that you know it does work, let’s explore how you can make it work for you.  This includes the when, what, and how much regarding exercise and brainpower.Although there’s some debate rega rding the type of exercise that best serves to promote brain function, according to a recent article by Harvard Medical School, â€Å"researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. Resistance training, balance and muscle toning exercises did not have the same results.†Research also suggests that although you’ll receive a brain benefit regardless of when you decide to exercise, the most promising results typically occur when you do your workout before or even during a cognitive task. This suggests that we all might learn best while we’re being active, and it may have interesting consequences on how our institutions of learning are set up. Perhaps classes on treadmills or exercise bikes aren’t too far off in the future?Another big question you might be wondering about is how much exercise you sho uld do in order to receive a cognitive benefit. The same Harvard Medical School report suggests that â€Å"standard recommendations advise half an hour of moderate physical activity most days of the week, or 150 minutes a week.†So how can you incorporate exercise into your life? If you’re worried that you’re simply too busy to exercise or find the very idea of exercise daunting, a great way to take a step forward towards a regular active lifestyle is to start small. Try taking a brief yet brisk walk for 10–15 minutes each day, and gradually increase your workout in both length and intensity as time passes.Listen to your body, it will tell you when you’re ready to take on more and bigger physical challenges. Remember, every journey- no matter how long or arduous- starts with a single step, and the best way to go nowhere is to stand still and do nothing.Now that you know all about the many benefits, both physical and mental, that exercise will bring to your life, put the excuses aside and get up and get moving towards your successful future!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Green Building and Sustainable construction Essay

Green Building and Sustainable construction - Essay Example Some of the methods used to address the environmental sustainability of a structure involve recycle and reuse of materials, ensuring the building uses renewable energy source or employs energy and water saving methods. Besides the accessibility of the building, can make be used to gauge whether the building is environmental friendly? Buildings, which are far away from transport network, can be considered less environmental friendly. Sustainable construction involves use of environmental friendly materials for construction. Use of wood from trees, which have been certified by the United States Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one way of promoting sustainable construction. FSC ensures the trees which are used for construction purpose are replaced and the existing biodiversity is not affected by cutting down of a particular tree. Sustainable construction also involves the use of renewable materials which can be recycled or reused. While promoting sustainable construction additional materials, which may not be renewable in nature, are used. The purpose of using such materials is to improve the overall performance of the building. A good example is use of plastic to insulate buildings; here plastic is used because of its availability and energy saving nature. Use of locally available materials is an economical way of saving on cost and reducing pollution of the environment. Transporting materials from another place would require use of means e.g. trains; heavy trucks which would definitely pollute the environment. When a building use available energy effectively, it is economically and environmentally sustainable. Measures to ensure such state is achieved included use of insulate which prevents loss of heat, use of glass windows on most part of the building to promote natural light penetration thus save on lighting and heating. Ensuring the lighting and appliances within the building are

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Immigration(advantages or problems) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Immigration(advantages or problems) - Essay Example Furthermore, they help address the need of the country for seasonal labor during harvest time. Illegal aliens, as they are commonly referred to, readily accept relatively lower wages as compared to the local labor force for the same type of work or amount of workload in light of their need to get jobs straight away ("Wikipedia"). In this regard, some who profit from this arrangement assert that illegal immigration is indeed beneficial since the country of origin of the illegal alien, which is usually a developing country, earns dollar through overseas workers' remittances. Similarly, the US-based employers may take advantage of relatively lower labor expense with the substantial availability of labor provided by illegal immigrants (Hanson). However, these people fail to take into account the adverse effects of illegal immigration to the economy as a whole. They have a limited perception of the problem such that they only consider the gains directly derived from illegal immigration and not the other economic and social costs. There are myriad disadvantages in connection with illegal immigration. One of them is in terms of the intensified competition in the labor market. American citizens and other legal immigrants or residents can often be heard complaining that it is harder to look for jobs these days. This can be attributed to the fact that there are a growing number of illegal immigrants in the country that directly compete with the local labor force for available jobs. With this, legal workers continue to experience job displacement due to illegal aliens. As discussed, illegal immigrants who seek employment in the country willingly settle for below average wage levels. Although employers benefit from this type of arrangement, it should be highlighted that such is generally detrimental for the entire labor force. By accepting wages that is less than the minimum wage standard, the income mainly coming from wages received plummets (Hayworth). This distorts the labor conditions in the country. Decreased wages is especially harmful for workers who are already on the verge or even below the poverty line. In addition, this changes the consumption propensity of legal workers and may diminish the quality of their and their families' lives. Another major disadvantage of illegal immigration is that it further buoys up expenditure of the federal government. Based on numerous reports, an increasing number of communities across the nation continuously contend with over budgeting in order to make hospital care and educational services to illegal immigrants and their families. Given this scenario, the government would need to find a way to address budget deficits to take into account these public services for all including illegal immigrants. To compensate for the portion of the budget used up for illegal immigrants, it may be expected that the government would impose tax increases which would be shouldered by legal workers. In the end, legal workers who fund social security services through the taxes remitted to the government each payday are burdened with the problem brought about by illegal immigration. According to studies, illegal immigration also has an effect on the health conditions in the US. Some assert that the presence of illegal immigr

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I have an article need to be reviewed Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

I have an need to be reviewed - Article Example History of American Labor movements has been comparatively influential to this era. American labor industry has faced numerous incidents of violence, protests, aggression and strikes which only started with wage cuts. Labor unions were very strong in asserting their pressure primarily based upon favorable working environment. Their demands were usually targeted to attain higher wages with shorter and shorter working hour. With the passage of time labor unions got so powerful and organized that they could influence appointment of political personalities and get favorable labor laws passed. This essay critically reviews the article and also examines factors other than institutional setup which has affected labor movement and has weakened labor unions as they are not as much organized as once they were. The author used comparative analysis of American and Canadian cases since both are neighboring countries with their closest relation but have differences comparing labor movement and their effectiveness. This article provides qualitative analysis of decisions, choices and step taken by the American labor unions and politician which brought institutional growth and decentralized the powers to individuals rather than to organization. Comparative analysis is the best strategy in this regard to contrast and compare two cases. Historical examination of American Labor Movement reveals that first half of nineteenth century was associated with efforts to promote anti monopolistic doctrine. Labor movement were initiated to develop harmony for cooperation and political involvement while in the second half of the century efforts were put together to provide legal shelter to labors. Justice, labor rights, equality and bargaining power strengthened the concept of unionization where employers failed to suppress workers. Twentieth century marked the era of reforms and improved working

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Woolworths Overview Of The Company Marketing Essay

Woolworths Overview Of The Company Marketing Essay Its core business focus is the provision of retail and financial services to upper and middle income groups mainly in South Africa but also in Africa, Australia and New Zealand.  This includes men, women and kids. Who are the competitors in the market? Other retailers selling food (butchers, bakers, convenience stores, etc. excludes takeaway food and restaurants) Mass merchants (including discount department stores; department stores) Size of the company Woolworths Holdings Limited is an investment holding company and one of the top 100 companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange Shares in Woolworths: 52% of market Employees:  24,649 Stores:  637 Turnover:  R 25.582bn p/a Market share: 9%-10%   Vision: Woolworths vision is to provide quality products and services to its customers all the time through price strategies, fresh food strategies and human resource strategies. Woolworths main strategies are to increase efficiency and be cost effective. Mission: Woolworths mission statement and main strategy is to deliver to customers the right shopping experience each and every time. Goals Sustainable growth within the context of the changing social and environmental needs Woolworths goal is to work harder to drive social development poverty drives environmental destruction and that in turn creates more poverty. To help alleviate poverty, we need to expand the existing initiatives of the Woolworths Trust and link with the transformational goals to drive enterprise development. The third priority relates to Woolworths impact on the environment, in particular the issue of diminishing biodiversity.   The fourth priority addresses climate change directly by focusing on reducing Woolworths carbon footprint. Woolworths recognizes climate change as an issue requiring urgent action if the risk of serious damage to global prosperity and security is to be avoided. Strategy: The strategic intent considers four areas of focus: the customers, operations, and the people. Woolworths main strategy is to increase efficiency and be cost effective.   Under this strategy there are different strategies that the company uses such as price strategies, fresh food strategies and human resource strategies/growth strategy. QUESTION 2 What would you change? What parts of the strategy? Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) I would change the current pricing structure as it gives negative perception about the quality of their products. For consumers to believe that they offer high quality, price must be slightly more than usual as it creates a value-add considering the input costs. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) I would increase the percentage of organic food in the stores to increase/promote healthy eating. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) The stores are currently situated in high economic areas. I would therefore introduce Woolworths into low to medium income earners in different locations. Why would you change it? (What internal/external forces?) Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) Because the input (fixed variable) costs have to be considered in order for the value added to be fairly presented so that the company can also see a good profit depending on the area of location. E.g. a Woolworths store in Cape Town will differ in prices to a Woolworths store in Mitchells Plain. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) When a big amount of customers consume a lot more of organic products, the will relate to Woolworths as the healthy alternative. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) This will give everyone the same shopping experience and affording them a chance not to travel too far for shopping. Safety strategy: When this is implemented in families, it can have a multiplying effect and reach a lot of people within a short period. Financial Services: (credit cards personal loans) Both cards allow customers to earn W points. Therefore, it is not necessary to have cards instead of one. One stop shop: (sells a variety of things) I would focus only on one or two offerings as too many products create confusion regarding the real product offering. QUESTION 3 How would you change it? Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) I would push the price a bit higher because the high quality does not match the price. I would include all costs, improve packaging and set a higher mark-up. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) I would get more suppliers of organic food on board and attract more healthy-conscious customers as well create more awareness on healthy eating and how it impact on effective leadership. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) I would introduce more Woolworths stores in medium income areas first. Then, I would roll it out to low income areas (townships) such as Khayelitsha. Advantages My strategy achievement in terms of company goals Low price strategy: one of Woolworths main strategies is to increase efficiency and be cost effective. The advantages of our strategy, the high price high quality strategy, would allow the quality of Woolworths goods to be high all the time. There will be less costs going into the research and implementation of many of the many strategies for Woolworths, to allow for the high quality low price strategy. It will also be less time consuming for Woolworths and Woolworths is known in the past for having high prices. People still have the perception of Woolworths having high prices. Product Strategy: Because they have allowed for these high prices they are also able to increase the percentage of organic foods. This is obviously good for healthy eating habits and maybe in the long term decreasing the unhealthy eating disease rate in South Africa. Woolworths can also create healthy eating plans for individuals to increase buyers for the company. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) the advantage of this would be to increase the Woolworths clientele. This would allow for many other buyers to experience the Woolworths experience. Safety strategy: The advantages of this would be promoting the good ethics of the Woolworths Company. Financial Services: the advantage of merging the visa and the difference cards would allow for efficiency when coming to the till at a Woolworths store. You will be able to have the choice on which transaction you would like to use. This will allow for more customers to get involved with both choices. Having one Woolworths card with both options is better than having two cards. One stop shop: The advantages of having all these products is that it caters for all needs. This also allows the company to use a variety of promotion techniques to get through to their customers. Disadvantages Low price strategy: At the moment times are tough and people are still suffering from the last recession. To increase the prices could make the company have a bad name. The main reason they decrease the price is to give everyone the chance to have the Woolworths experience and be in the same level as their competitors offering goods at better quality. So increasing the price could steer the customers away although a slight increase wont really affect the customer too much because of the quality of their products. Product strategy: Costs of these organic goods are expensive and the company is already trying very hard to keep high quality goods at low prices. Growth Strategy: Woolworths prices are higher than the usual Shoprite. Many people in low earning areas tend to go to Shoprite but there quality of food is not as good as Woolworths. People in low income areas are not really interested in quality and they are more interested in price. I feel it is a disadvantage to put a Woolworths store in low income areas because they will not make enough money to keep the store going. Maybe they could increase the amount of stores in the medium earning areas but still this would be a far reached goal to bring it in the low earning areas. The price of the goods is just too high. Safety strategy: Because this is seen as part of work. Most workers wont want to waste their time extending this technique to their families. It will be seen as extra work to be done. Financial services: this will be time consuming for the company and there will be costs involved to implement this strategy. One stop shop: Woolworths has already made itself known for having all these products but some products are more known to their customers then others. Woolworths needs to have their other products, like homeware, better promoted. Having all these products is the store can be costly. People will rather choose to go to Mr. Price home than to buy homeware appliances at Woolworths. Woolworths needs to strengthen their market in there other products or they will be losing profits. Conclusion Woolworths strategy works very well. It works so well that I feel these small changes wont make much of a difference because they know what they have and they know where they are in the market. They were able to change their strategy over the years and even by doing so it has made them even more successful. This is the reason I feel there strategy is well implemented. QUESTION 4

Friday, October 25, 2019

Parental Involvement in Education and its Effects on Student Academic P

Parental Involvement in Education and its Effects on Student Academic Performance Educational standards have recently become a controversial issue especially in secondary schools. One of the controversial issues surrounding educational standards is the lack of parental involvement. Various forms of parental involvement range from parental encouragement to parental partnership with the school. By examining parental involvement in secondary education, one can determine that positive parental involvement will have a profound effect on the students' academic performance. Defining parental involvement, family relationships and self-esteem, and relationships between parents and teachers can improve parental involvement. Defining Parental Involvement When dealing with the educational system and findings way to improve it, one cannot neglect that parental involvement is necessary. The question that arises from this is, what exactly is parental involvement? According to Catherine Hickmann, in "Future of High School Success: Importance of Parental Involvement," the various forms of parental involvement in secondary schools are parent as a communicator, parent as supporter of activities, parent as learner, parent as advocate, parent as decision maker, parent as volunteer/professional, and parent as home activities teacher. In the article, "Relationships between Parent Involvement and Student Achievement," Joyce Flood uses researchers to break down parental involvement into three categories; parent-child relationships at home, parent training or involvement in performance contracts, and parent-school- community partnerships. These categories can be further defined. Parent-child relationships at home allow... ...ties for students and parents to learn together, and offer community education classes to get parents to come to the school. In the article, "Promoting Parental Involvement," there are more ideas to advance the involvement of parents in education which lead children to excel academically. Conclusion This field of research covered parental involvement and its effects on student academic performance. The focus was on family relations at home and parental involvement at school. When researching this topic, a definition for parental involvement had to be established. The research was not time restricted, since the concern was the general effects of parental involvement in student academics. The research consists of several suggestions on parental involvement, rather than focusing on a specific method in which to involve parents in student education.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

European Union and Stricter Environmental Protection

PEST – Analysis This analysis is a helpful tool to take a closer look at the general environment. Although the PEST analysis rely on past events and experience, it can be used as a forecast of the future (Wilson and Gilligan, 1998). Political factors The political environment is good. The government is stable and reliable, even if Britain fails to achieve total agreement with some EU policies from time to time. At the present no EU directives are known which will have a direct effect on the UK clothing retail industry in the near future.Due to the EU membership a trend can be seen towards stricter environmental protection legislation. This may have a direct or indirect effect on NEXT or his suppliers. Economic factors Looking at the economic environment, it is somewhat tricky since on the one hand there is the strong sterling compared to the Euro. Euroland encourages imports and endeavours to hold domestic prices at an attractive level. But on the other hand it is difficult fo r the UK to be competitive outside its boundaries because of the high pound sterling exchange rate against the Euro.As NEXT sells about 96% in the UK marketplace, this may currently only have a limited effect, but could be more important in the future when thinking globally. Fig. 2 This can also be seen on the â€Å"Big Mac – Cross Rates† table, where hamburgers sold in the UK are more expensive than in most other countries. So an investment outside the UK might be very attractive – also speaking of â€Å"reimports† to transfer the goods back into the domestic market. Source: see Chapter 7 Another issue is the falling unemployment rate. For the UK population this is good news but for companies like NEXT, this has different implications.For NEXT it means higher expenditure on wages, as well as greater difficulties in recruiting good employees. Social factors Speaking of the socio-cultural future it should be mentioned that people retire earlier these days, as well as working shorter hours. Average working hours per week have decreased over the last 20 years. As a result many people have more spare time. This means they have time to compare prices in the High Street and the quality of goods and services from retailers. But as a result, they spend more time in the shops.Another issue these days are the â€Å"Green environmental issues†. Because people have more time and have ample access to the media via the TV, radio, as well as newspapers and the Internet, the consumer is better informed and therefore this awareness of environmental issues challenges him to care. He wants more than just a product. He is interested in the production process. He wants to know if the factories are environmentally friendly or not, where his product was build and under which circumstances etc. etc. So one problem in the clothing retail sector could be child labour.There are companies who rely on it in order to be competitive in their domestic marke t, for example Marks and Spencer. Marks & Spencer had been accused of using child labour in Indonesia in 1999. But once the customers becomes aware of such practices, companies get into real trouble if they do not respond immediately. Consumers who are looking for a best price purchase, may however not be prepared to consider the economic price which their social conscience inflicts on those companies whose products offends their ethics and which they consequently shun.Technological factors Another issue is the speed of technological transfers which also has an impact on the industry – it is not comparable with the fast growing internet business – but nevertheless it is important. New technology allows new products to be developed, e. g. Lycra ®, Supplex ® or other synthetic material. Existing materials can be produced quicker and cheaper. Adopting these technologies can be a decis ive factor as to whether a company is ahead of his competitors or whether it lags be hind.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


We had Just gotten back from a very disappointing game. I don't remember what the score was but we got lose pretty bad. So there are a number of us chilling around the park talking afterwards and we all decided that we needed to get some weed and go hangout somewhere and try and forget about the beating we had Just gotten in the game earlier that night. We all chipped in and one of the guys made a weed run. When he got back we decided that it wasn't a good idea to stick around the park and smoke so we were trying to figure out someplace to go and chill.Then Dave chimes in hat his family had Just moved from their home a couple weeks earlier and the place was still empty and he still had his key. It sounded like a pretty good place to go to the rest of us so we Jumped in our cars and headed on over to Dave's old house. We pull up to the place and Dave Jumps out goes and unlocks the door for us. We all get inside and start playen some music and smoking and haven a good '01 time. So we'r e all having a pretty good time until after a while Dave, the guy whose place it was, starts throwing bottles around and trashing the place.My friends and I saw this and new something was up so we all decided to split. After we left it wasn't to late yet so some of us take a little Joyride around town before we head home. Well, when we got back to school the following Monday we thought it was going to be Just another day at school but later in the morning the cops show up. One by one all of us who had been at the party end up getting called down to the front office and are questioned by the cops. 5 guys ended up getting arrested that day (l wasn't one of them). It turns out that the house we went to that night wasn't actually Dave's.His Family had Just been renting the house and had been evicted from It a couple weeks earlier. The cops tracked us down because they got fingerprints from the house and a couple of the guys already had a record with the cops and they got pulled In first which lead them to the rest of us. It was a whole big mess, the cops had a paddy wagon there and News Crews were set up across the road filming as they took guys out In cuffs. Our football team Just kind of fell apart after that happened. We ended the season with 15 people on the team.